Ethan Thomas

2024 Sydney MS Mega Swim


Aside from looking forward to joining others in the fun and atmosphere on the day, I’m taking part to raise funds to support people living with multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis affects more young people than any other chronic neurological condition and average age of diagnosis is 30. It can strike anyone at any time and the symptoms vary so widely.

For instance, can you imagine waking up one day unable to do the everyday things you would usually take for granted? Like not being able to see properly (or at all), you physically can’t get out of bed, can’t walk to the phone to call someone – anyone – or live a life without pain?

All of a sudden your world has changed.

By being part of this event, and because of your generous sponsorship, the funds we raise will allow people living with multiple sclerosis to access vital MS Plus Support Services. Services such as MS Plus Peer Support Groups, connecting people who are newly diagnosed with those who have lived with multiple sclerosis for a number of years, or the Plus Employment Support Service keeping Aussies living with multiple sclerosis in the work force.

Thank you again for your support.

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Rosalyn Thomas

Proud of you xxx


Lyle Thomas

Good job mate!!


Krishna Chand

Good work Ethan xxx


Wendy Gerakios

Go Ethan!! You are amazing!


Marilyn Thomas

All the best in your swim 🏊‍♀️


Jennifer Wyld

Best of luck nephew XOXO


Maree Larkin

Have you developed scales and gills yet?


Riley & Paige

Well done big cousin!! Love Riley & Paige


Ilona Tregier


Charlie Vella

Swim hard Ethan!!!! Great work!


Rhian Smith

Good work and well done.


Robert Gregg

Well done


Natalie Apikotoa

Congrats Ethan on supporting such a great cause



Good luck this weekend Ethan - all in a great cause :-)


Nicky Sabbadin

Well done for committing and giving you time, effort and support to a worthy cause.


Phill, Helen, Caitlin And Rowan

Good work Ethan! We're cheering you on! From Phill, Helen, Caitlin and Rowan


Frances Whalan


Tim Gardiner

Great work, Ethan!


Bev Willing


Cate Manalili

An amazing cause…I know people whose lives have been changed by this disease…any money raised will hopefully help research and treatments. Good luck!

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