Marin Peplinski

2024 Sydney MS Mega Swim

Taking the plunge to help fight MS!

I love swimming but it is even more enjoyable knowing that the swim community can come together to raise money for a very worthy cause!

We're coming together and doing our part to raise funds to support people living with multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis affects more young people than any other chronic neurological condition and average age of diagnosis is 30. It can strike anyone at any time and the symptoms vary so widely. It has affected people I care about and may have touched your life as well. 

By being part of this event, and because of your generous sponsorship, the funds we raise will allow people living with multiple sclerosis to access vital MS Plus Support Services. Services such as MS Plus Peer Support Groups, connecting people who are newly diagnosed with those who have lived with multiple sclerosis for a number of years, or the Plus Employment Support Service keeping Aussies living with multiple sclerosis in the work force. 

Thank you again for your support.

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors



Nice of you all to do this.


William Abraham

Great cause! Best of luck!


Barbara Peplinski

Love supporting this good cause and all who participated


Marissa And Sam

Kick ass Marin! We love you !


Itzel Fox

Amazing Marin!


Emily Newcombe



Go Marin- very impressive and a great cause!



Awesome mahi! 💪💪



Well done Marin!

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