Santa Swimmers

2024 Sydney MS Mega Swim


Aside from looking forward to joining others in the fun and atmosphere on the day, we are taking part to raise funds to support people living with multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis affects more young people than any other chronic neurological condition and average age of diagnosis is 30. It can strike anyone at any time and the symptoms vary so widely.

For instance, can you imagine waking up one day unable to do the everyday things you would usually take for granted? Like not being able to see properly (or at all), you physically can’t get out of bed, can’t walk to the phone to call someone – anyone – or live a life without pain?

All of a sudden your world has changed.

By being part of this event, and because of your generous sponsorship, the funds we raise will allow people living with multiple sclerosis to access vital MS Plus Support Services. Services such as MS Plus Peer Support Groups, connecting people who are newly diagnosed with those who have lived with multiple sclerosis for a number of years, or the Plus Employment Support Service keeping Aussies living with multiple sclerosis in the work force.

Thank you again for your support.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Nonna Tory

Thank you to my beautiful granddaughter with this biggest heart and soul. Love Nonna Tory.


Cary Yeung


J Amores


Joanne Musca

Well done Sienna. We’re so proud of you.


Tanith Bryce

Good luck Cary!!! I’m very proud of you!!


Pt Constructions

Awesome Milly!! So Proud of you and for a great cause xxx


Caz And Emily

So proud of you Milly… you’re a champion. Love you very much, Caz and Em


Daniella, Nando And. Verona

We are proud of you for doing the swim for Nonna Tory. Lots of love Mum, Dad and. Verona xx


Madison Y



Emma Sims

Proud of you chook x


Alice Sulukojian

I’m so proud of you!


Terri Godfrey

Well done Sienna


Christopher Tran



Good luck & great cause x



Hi Raquel Just to say thank you so much for supporting this wonderful cause. MS sufferers will be so grateful and we all admire your generosity. Well done




Katie Vajda

Good luck with the challenge Milly… it’s a wonderful cause xxx


Angela Mosley

Good luck Sienna. This is a wonderful gesture to support your Nonna.


Monique Tsabalas

Proud of you sista xxx


Annette Musca

Best Wishes


Mary Mclaughlin

good job darling !! love grandma xx


Vikki Cummins


Chloe Dixon

Go Mira!!!


Nonna S And Nonno R

We are proud of you for supporting your Nonna Tory. Love Nonna and Nonno.


Tania Jones

What a fantastic cause - one close to all our hearts ♥️ Go Milly!!!


Ruby Bron

Swim swim swim!!!


Mira Nguyen

good job sophia


Gina Arkell

Good luck Milly, I am very proud of you xx


Emma Williams

Go Sienna! Love Edie and Hamish x


Michelle & Gaby Indra

You guys got this!! Last 23 minutes wooo 🎉🎉


Emma Phillips

Go Milly xx love ya


Henry O’reilly



Jim Burton

Well done Amelia! xx


Jessica Ouyang

Great cause and go Sienna! :)


Gabriel Henao

Well done, Sienna. Very proud of you!

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