Could provide a person with MS Intouch magazine for a year, a lifeline to the MS community

Could help pay for an MS Nurse to support a person living with MS and their family through the crisis of worsening MS

Could pay for our live chat for a day, to make sure there is a supportive person ready to answer questions for a person living with MS in their time of need
There are over 33,300 people living with multiple sclerosis (MS) in Australia. Multiple Sclerosis is a lifelong chronic illness that causes the body’s immune system to attack itself, which damages the nervous system. While MS is different for everyone, some common symptoms include fatigue, pain, brain fog, bladder issues and vision loss. Living with MS is a complex and unpredictable condition with varied symptoms that range from mild to severe. They may flare up now and then, or last for long periods of time.

Could enable us to develop some educational podcasts for people who are navigating a recent MS diagnosis

Could provide a specialist team member to help a person living with MS navigate access to the NDIS and coordinate other services they need for their wellbeing

Could pay for an MS Go For Gold Scholarship so that someone living with multiple sclerosis can follow a personal dream.