Swim day
Can’t believe a whole year has gone by and we are at swim day again ! And it’s a big 25year anniversary too! Wooohoooo 🥳WE'RE TAKING THE CHALLENGE TO FIGHT MS!
Aside from looking forward to joining others in the fun and atmosphere on the day, we are taking part to raise funds to support people living with multiple sclerosis.
Multiple sclerosis affects more young people than any other chronic neurological condition and average age of diagnosis is 30. It can strike anyone at any time and the symptoms vary so widely.
For instance, can you imagine waking up one day unable to do the everyday things you would usually take for granted? Like not being able to see properly (or at all), you physically can’t get out of bed, can’t walk to the phone to call someone – anyone – or live a life without pain?
All of a sudden your world has changed.
By being part of this event, and because of your generous sponsorship, the funds we raise will allow people living with multiple sclerosis to access vital MS Plus Support Services. Services such as MS Plus Peer Support Groups, connecting people who are newly diagnosed with those who have lived with multiple sclerosis for a number of years, or the Plus Employment Support Service keeping Aussies living with multiple sclerosis in the work force.
Thank you again for your support.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Marilyn Simmons


Lindsay Allan

Martha Cove Village

Mcnay Manor
With your "can do" attitude, you've got this. All of us are proud of you and wish you luck. Love Marc, Bella, Roxy, Urban, Willow & the Fosters.

Carol Cox
Best wishes for your swim Annie.

John Montgomery

David Williams
Good on you Heidi, well done and thank you for being so candid. I know first hand the challenges you have and are facing as my Aunt has also been diagnosed a few years back More power to you. Cheers D

Jason Smith
Hey best of luck with the challenge - inspirational stuff

You’re amazing!

Julie Herschell

Joan Lawson
Go you good thing....

Kevin & Chris
Happy 25th Congratulations

Good luck

Luise Topma
We got this !

Tim Rogers

You can do it!

Micro Maintenance
"just keep swimming" - Dory, Finding Nemo

Focus, breathe & push through as you always do

Well done Graham you’re such an inspiration 👍✅

Avon Graphics

Heidi Mcnay

Matt Frost
I never knew this Heidi. You're constant smile and incredible positivity hide your condition. All I can say is wow!

Travis Costin

Caroline Stoneman
Good luck

Loris Wilton
Good luck water babe

Beth Hamill
Well done, Annie xx

Jen Pope
Well done Vicki on a great effort

Beth Hamill
Well done, Vicki! xx

Mandy Stewart
Good luck Heidi! Youre an inspiration ✨️

Don Campbell
Congratulations on your dedication to practice!

Sonny And Delilah
Well done on a great swim

Leonie Hawes
Well done Annie. Another great day for a great cause.

Liz & Len Gregory
Great effort again, Annie!

Pam Alexander
Keep up the good work. you know you can do it.

Jason Locke
sorry i'm late to the party!! i know you smashed it!!!

Go Kiz

Hayley Cheesewright
You're amazing for taking on this challenge and the challenge you face everyday ! Your strength and determination are truly inspiring. Keep swimming! Good luck

Tony Douglas

Peter Hanson
Well done Dad! I hope the swim goes well and I've been really impressed with all your training

Go Mars

Jeevanesh Mudaliar

Julia Howe
Your amazing Heidi, thanks for raising awareness x

Great initiative, well done Heidi!

Suze Mandiii
Go get 'em

Libby Adam
Best Wishes Annie & team 🩷

Mudasar Gharatkar
You inspire people with your determination.. Go Heidi!!


Franny Clarke
Proud of you GG X

Fabian Wolf

Maxine Rawson
You are such a superstar! Good luck with the laps, love you! Max, Matt, Alex & Janna

Lachy J
Go you good thing! Smash it out Heids!

well done girls.

Isabel Daloia
Proud of you Heidi!

Nicholas Rehak

Paul Forster

Clay Xiriha
Good luck Kiz & friends !!! Legends!

Le-elise Chung
Go go go!!!

So proud of you

Murray Arnott
Well done Annie.

Jenni & Ian West
What a superstar. Amazing effort

Sonia & Graham

Good Luck and great support for the cause!

Good Luck and great support for the cause!

Good Luck and great support for the cause!

Sharon Van Groen
Your amazing 👏

love you ma ❤️

Maureen Kramme

Mark Whitcombe
Such an amazing human.

Julie Peterson

Tim Tsagaris
Nice work Agi!

Barbara Verrall
You go girl!!

Go you good thing!

Jan Forsyth
Go Annie !!

Graham Hanson

Jopie Veneman
Great effort Annie

Hayley Mainey
Good Luck girls!! Xxx


Dianne Hogben


Go get it Champion!! Love The Wicks xx

The Wicks
Woohoo!!! Smash it!! Love the wicks xxx



Robin & Gill
Well, done Annie

Merri Van Lierop
You are amazing! Don’t forget that!

Helen Howell
You’re a champ Annie xx


Paul Hanson

Lorraine Casey

Michael Etchell

Kymm - Ruby - Mez
Well done, Marley, We are so proud of our super swimmer! Love Aunty Kymm Ruby and Mez

Kymm - Ruby - Mez
Well done, Kirra, So proud of you! Love Aunty Kymm, Ruby and Mez

Mel Armstrong
You're an inspiration woman, hold your head high in all that you do. Love you, Mel xxx

Joan Thomson
Good on you Annie.

Tom Mc
Go Nana!

Alison Smith

Hannah Hall
You’ve got this Heidi! Mack, Wes and I are cheering you on from the sidelines xx
Our Team Members

Luise Topma

Graham Hanson

Vicki Standing

Annie Davie

Heidi McNay

Linda Fox

Marley Fox

Kirra Fox

Rohan McGregor

Angela Asproloupos