Aside from looking forward to joining others in the fun and atmosphere on the day, I’m taking part to raise funds to support people living with multiple sclerosis.
This will be my second time swimming as part of a team in the 24 hour challenge. Our team collectively raised over $9000 last time — small donations to each team member really add up. Supporting each other through the 24 hours is the way to get it done — the whole event is a wonderful metaphor of the support required when living with a chronic condition, and how much you can do with the support in place.
Multiple sclerosis affects more young people than any other chronic neurological condition and average age of diagnosis is 30. It can strike anyone at any time and the symptoms vary so widely.
For instance, can you imagine waking up one day unable to do the everyday things you would usually take for granted? Like not being able to see properly (or at all), you physically can’t get out of bed, can’t walk to the phone to call someone – anyone – or live a life without pain?
All of a sudden your world has changed.
By being part of this event, and because of your generous sponsorship, the funds we raise will allow people living with multiple sclerosis to access vital MS Plus Support Services. Services such as MS Plus Peer Support Groups, connecting people who are newly diagnosed with those who have lived with multiple sclerosis for a number of years, or the Plus Employment Support Service keeping Aussies living with multiple sclerosis in the work force.
Thank you again for your support.
My Updates

Training continues!
Sunday 2nd Feb Two weeks out and I am feeling good about the 24 hour challenge. In the past, my record distance over 24 hours was 7km. My stroke has improved a lot since then so I am fairly confident I will rack up a few k’s this time as well.Thank you to my Sponsors


Peter O'toole

Bronni Krieger

Sorin Ridgway-browne
Good luck Simon!


Love your work Simon!

Peta Couchman
Good luck !

Phoebe, Jiawen And Freya Ma

Jon A

Linds & Carol
Swim like a dolphin!

Bev Harding
Go Simon, good on you!

Go you good thing!

All the best. This is an important cause and thanks for your effort.

Cathy Ha

Liz Gray
Great effort Simon - good luck with your swim

Lesley Walsh
Good luck to the whole team Simon.

Hatters Hideout

Ali Gray

Simon O'carrigan
Yarra Roughies

Alan Cainey

Ammy Becket

Berenice Gandit

Brenna Hobson

Caitlin van Ree

Chris Worsley

Edward Howarth

Emer Hurley

Gabriel Malvestuto

Hannah Phillips

Heidi Westlake (C)

Imogen Fitzgerald

Jacqui Harper

Katherine Sheridan

Linda Fraser

Lisa Coutts


Mark Sukhov

Mark Sanders

Natasha Griffith

Poppy McRae

Russell Milburn

Simon O'Carrigan